Avivie company strongly opposes spam messaging and strictly adheres to an anti-spam policy.

Any information messages that our company and its partners send must comply with anti-spam policy, be most informative, useful and true.

The company posts on its website, in letters, brochures and presentations information and graphic materials that are the property of the company. Clients and partners of the company are not entitled to distort these materials, use them for spamming or in their own commercial purposes.

We prohibit the distribution of any unsolicited bulk or commercial emails, traditionally called spam. The company doesn’t deal with spamming and does not endorse any spam activities through its own services or resources.

Emails sent by Avivie company to its partners and customers can be sent to a specific range of recipients, which clearly confirmed their desire to receive information messages from us.

Emails sent by Avivie partners and to our clients through service software:

  • must contain a clear indication of the sender. It is prohibited to those not employed by Avivie to introduce themselves as the company’s employees
  • must not use or contain invalid or untrue headings.
  • must not use or contain invalid or non-existent domain names.
  • must not distort or hide any information about the quality of the products and methods of their manufacturing and use.
  • must not use a domain name that is not registered by the company or personal mailbox, not listed on the Avivie website.
  • must not use misleading information in the subject or misleading comments.


Violation of the Anti-Spam policy will be strictly suppressed. Any client, partner or any other third party, whose activities on the company’s website or through its service will be regarded as spam, will be immediately blocked.

In case if copyright infringement or injurious actions will cause the company material devastation, the company reserves the right to seek recovery of the damages.