Argan is a unique plant that is under UNESCO protection. The oil of this tree has been used for nearly two millennia. National traditions of Moroccans who with the help of argan oil improved the skin condition, got scientific support only in the 20th century. The use of this ingredient makes it possible to deal with eczema, atopic disease and the over-dry skin effect. It also normalizes metabolism in the dermis and epidermis.
A light ingredient with fine penetrating effect enables to moisturize the dermis deeply. It suits best for oily skin. Research has shown that due to the flavonoids in its composition, this oil stimulates peeling-off, improves skin tonicity and promotes its rejuvenation. The normalization of oil bags activity and stimulation of skin regeneration enables to make rejuvenation effect last for a long time.
This ingredient has a wide range of scienсe-backed effects. It heals wounds and microdamages, rejuvenates the skin and makes it tight, gives it a velvety and noble ivory. It excellently deals with diseases like dermatosis, empyesis and any allergic reactions on skin. It is used in weak solution (8%) since as a pure oil it is toxic.
In addition to widely recognized aromatic effect (used in Chanel №5, Must, Miss Dior Cherie L’Eau), has excellent medical indications. It perfectly deals with minimizing large pores and the regulation of the sebaceous glands activity. It prevents the development of stretch marks and accelerates the healing of fissures and resorption of swordcuts. It also stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen which are important for health and beauty.
This medicinal product has science-backed effects on spongy and oily skin. The high degree of elasticity renewal is observed throughout the body, regardless of the thickness of the skin. Excellent anti-ageing ingredient improves nutrition at the cellular level due to a rich set of nutrients in its composition. The same elements deal with dermatomycosis, acne and eczema.
It contains trans-retinoic acid, beta-carotene and glycerol. Suitable for all skin types (but for oily skin you need to use a mixture of oils). It is best for irritated or flaky skin. Scientists recommend to use products with this oil for the skin around the eyes and lips. This oil reduces or completely removes the visual defects of the skin and recovers it, both in appearance and in its structure and metabolism.
It has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves memory and reduces irritability. For skin it is invaluable. It removes acne and prevents ageing of the skin, normalizes muscle tone and removes almost all types of inflammation. After long-term use your skin becomes velvet and pleasant to touch, elastic and unwrinkled.
Natural ingredient that protects your skin from ultraviolet light. Numerous researches have shown other benefits. It retains moisture in skin, enables nutrients to penetrate deeper into the dermis, reduces the rate of skin ageing. The high content of vitamin A helps to counteract inflammation and heal damaged skin.
Fat-soluble vitamin that is widely used in health and beauty industry. Numerous experiments have shown healing effect, it directly participates in nutrient metabolism at the cellular level. The use of cosmetics with vitamin A solves the problem of dry skin, acne, blackheads, pigmented spots and many other unpleasant signs of metabolic disorders.
The need for this ingredient in cosmetics has been science-backed. It is involved in the formation of elastin and collagen in the intercellular substance of the dermis. It also copes well with the healing of various types of burns, slows the ageing process of your skin and is an excellent antioxidant. It helps in healing most of those revealing on skin diseases, (vitamin deficiency, psoriasis and etc.)