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Promotion of Instagram Account


kak-raskrutit-instagram-300x192As in any field of the Internet, you need to know your customer and target audience we talked in the last lesson, otherwise without this knowledge; we cannot offer them the right product.

It depends on how you build a loyal and committed community around yourself.  A loyal brand community is your required asset, so do not let them go away. Customers do not come by themselves. You should draw them into the process to make it attractive.

How can you make sales via Instagram without experience?

Contents (filling materials, photos, text, and video) are your weapon. Loyal subscribers are your army. The army can support and defend the interests of a brand.  The first thing to do is to understand that you are a part of the brand Avivie.

People support the company of interest.

These are some principles for success such as your method, relation, and your efforts for promotion of your business. It is unimportant what you promote. It’s a matter of presentation of your product, especially if it is effective and unique. Mention that each your message via Internet, each communication with the audience is worthwhile. People will remember that you said them a few years ago.

Broadcasting on the Internet is similar to a tattoo. All that you say on public lasts for a lifetime. Therefore, a content of your speech forms an opinion about you.

We classify the positioning

  1. Account of brand personality is suitable for creative people, such as musicians, actors, designers, poets, photographers and others. They know their business. Being a key person in the business is main criteria for choice of this type of positioning.
  2. Business account — you distribute or represent the company’s activity.
  3. Account of the community. Can you gather a community of people who share a common interest and discuss common ideas around Avivie brand? For example, some club of young moms who care for their bodies and like to make up.

The business account’s positioning is suitable fo distribution or presentation of goods.

Choose one of the three types of positioning. Select the audience you want to see on your account. At this stage, you begin to understand your target audience, goals, and strategies for the development of your Instagram-account.

Each type of positioning is original. And each of them is suitable for promoting your offer. The community you gathered will make purchases. And also, others who want to become part of it. You can create a community, presenting the advantages of affiliate program or products. 

In addition, you can create around yourself a loyal audience and regularly make sales when a new product appears. It is a result of trust among you and your community. So, you should take a time to understand: «Who is the target audience? Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the gender of the target audience?
  • What is the age of the target audience?
  • What is the geography of the target audience?
  • What are the interests of the target audience?
  • What are the common interests of the target audience?
  • Does my audience use Instagram?
  • Where can I this audience in Instagram?
  • What other social networks have similar projects?

If you did not use a file to make the offer for your TA, they can not refuse, download this file and describe your customer or partner.

After you answered your own questions, you begin to understand the structure of target audience. In practice, the information about the target audience is always adjusted during work. Geography, age and interests, and even the gender can be changed, but in the beginning, you should set a course of aim and search.

60% of the success of an advertising campaign depends on the knowledge of the geography of your target audience. It is possible that the first time you can miss. But a chance to hit a target increases with each shot. It concerns not only to your account in Instagram but sales on the internet and live in general.

The target audience is potentially interested people in your selling offer and you give useful information that they wish to know. The information that brings them to purchase and increases confidence in the Avivie brand.

Answer in detail the target audience’s questions. These data help to search community for advertising, proper names and descriptions of the account.


Promotion by means of hashtags

Hashtag — a keyword with a # sign, for example, # Dead Sea cosmetics, or # cosmetics of Avivie, which helps another users to find you. Collect for yourself 100-150 keywords with hashtags.

Promotion my means of hashtags are not the most effective way to build the audience, but good enough for the significant mass likes.

The well-known fact that is much easier for a person psychologically to join a group of people instead to do the first action. Even such a simple action as Like. In Instagram after 10 Likes, you can see only the number of Likes. If the count of Likes is less then we can see each user nickname who left a Like. So, it is easier to like when nobody can see your nickname.

Publication of popular hashtags allows you to increase the number of Likes for photos more quickly. The strategy is very simple. When you put the hashtag for this picture, your publication gets into the flow of the photos, which indicated that hashtag. At this time, Instagram users can view the line with this hashtag. So they may stumble upon your photo and then get a chance to leave a Like. And you can add new hashtags to one of your photo at regular intervals. But it is not recommended to set more than 10 hashtags.


  1. Publish the photo.
  2. After 5 minutes, publish a list of prepared hashtags in the comments under your photo.
  3. After 10 minutes, remove the comment with the hashtag.
  4. Publish a new list of hashtags.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4.

A chance to increase the number of subscribers is minimal. This method works well for accounts of beautiful girls or with very high-quality photos. The main criterion in this process is the selection of hashtags.

Promotion by means of mass-liking and mass-following

Mass-liking or mass-following is a way to build the target audience by attracting their attention automatically. Mass-liking is a method to attract attention through liking of photos or videos of users and mass-following by signing your account to user accounts. This is an automatic process, and it is carried out through special applications.

Attracting attention through mass-liking is highly demanded technologies nowadays. The main issue with this method — it is how you eliminate unwanted audience, and what settings you need to use to attract the audience’s attention?

Actual knowledge for today in most Instagram courses is to attract attention by the algorithm 3 times leave a Like and 1 times subscribe to someone.

According to statistics, numbers vary from niche to niche. Approximate numbers from 1% to 35% in the subscription in response to your actions. Example — you like 100 accounts, and you get 30 subscribers.

I don’t want to be banned in Instagram

There are about 500 safe actions in Instagram per day. Likes or subscribers are not counted. Therefore, you should make every action on a new account, instead 2 or even 3 Likes on one account

Consequently, you increase the audience and not to step over for limits. And it is very important how many people per hour we can involve, and how many users see us. This directly affects on your account traffic and the affiliate link that you posted on the page.

To estimate the beauty of mass-liking, I recommend using the service 1mlnlks.com. This is approved, low-cost service with a convenient statistics.

Now, the strategy, who you should like?

  1. Assembled base Instagram account.
  2. Those who leave a Likes at target accounts.
  3. The following proven trust accounts without bots.
  4. Like your subscribers (to increase loyalty and activity).

Start mass-liking strategy 1 Like for 1 account and get better results.

So, this is our basic training to attract traffic and subscribers coming to the end. The following video tutorial will learn you how to use the right affiliate program. How to generate affiliate links?